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Author, Host of the Let Fear Bounce podcast,

coffee drinker, dog Mom, and tosser of Nuggets of Hope. 

"Let's spread hope like confetti"

Be sure to check out the "Shop" for Hope Merchandise.

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Let Fear Bounce Podcast

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What folks are saying about Paw Prints on The Kitchen Floor

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Coming November 2024

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To schedule interview/appearances regarding published books:
Contact Creative Edge Publicity


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Dexter, the Office Manager of the Realm, will forward any messages on to The Queen...umm, errr, Kim.

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It's a lotta work tossing Nuggets of Hope.  My Lady Mum LOVES coffee. So if ya wanna, you can buy her a cup right here!

Know Your Pet is Taken Care of.

Make changes or creating a will can sometimes cost over $200 in legal fee. Now, there is a better way to make  sure that your pet is cared for in your will. The DIY Pet Estate Will Kits will give you peace of mind that your family pet will be care for when you are no longer able.

This easy step-by-step instructions will guide you through the simple task of completing the forms necessary to add your furry loved one to your existing will.  $29.99. Receive 33% off by using Coupon Code: LETFEARBOUNCE

Click on the button below.

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